Tread Lightly When You Recreate

Lake Tahoe has often been referred to as a year-round playground. Recreational opportunities are abundant. When we recreate responsibly, it ensures Tahoe will be preserved for all to enjoy, including future generations.

The League's vision for Lake Tahoe includes communities and facilities that "provide low-impact outdoor recreational opportunities now and into the future."

The League encourages users to enjoy low-impact recreational activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin. High-impact activities such as the use of snowmobiles, off-road vehicles, and jet skis put a tremendous stress on the environment. When you are enjoying the great outdoors, abide by the "Leave No Trace" theory – leave the area exactly as you found it.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Always stay on marked trails when you hike or bike.
  • Consider enjoying the lake on non-motorized watercraft.
  • If you are using motorized watercraft, follow speed and noise limits, and respect other users and wildlife.
  • Follow boat inspection procedures.
  • Consider snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and backcountry skiing instead of snowmobiling. If you do snowmobile, please respect wilderness boundaries, wildlife, vegetation and other users.
  • Take public transportation, and Tahoe's numerous free ski shuttles, to your recreation destination.

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