Statement on White House announcement that Pres. Obama to participate in Lake Tahoe Summit

Aug 8, 2016:
"The announcement that President Obama will participate in the Lake Tahoe Summit comes at a critical time for the health of Lake Tahoe.

In the recent State of the Lake report scientists project that Lake Tahoe is locked into decades of warming due to climate change, even in a scenario where climate emissions are greatly reduced, making it more important than ever to take actions that can improve Lake Tahoe’s resiliency to increasing water temperatures and more precipitation falling as rain rather than snow.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe is optimistic that with the national spotlight that President Obama brings to Tahoe, we have a historic opportunity to Keep Tahoe Blue by making progress on our efforts to combat pollution, promote restoration, tackle invasive species and protect Lake Tahoe’s shoreline.”

- Statement by Darcie Goodman Collins, PhD
Executive Director of the League to Save Lake Tahoe


The League to Save Lake Tahoe, also known by the slogan “Keep Tahoe Blue,” is Tahoe's oldest and largest nonprofit environmental advocacy organization. The League is dedicated to community engagement and education, and collaborating to find solutions to Tahoe's environmental challenges. The League was instrumental in organizing the original Lake Tahoe Summit in 1997, led by President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.

The 20th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit will take place on Wednesday, August 31 at Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harveys, Stateline, NV. Tickets to this historic event are for sale on Ticketmaster.
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