Tackle Invasive Species
Aquatic invasive species (AIS), introduced to Tahoe by humans, have taken over areas of Lake Tahoe and are changing the Lake we love. They are degrading water quality, disrupting the Lake’s ecology and opening the door for more invasive species to take hold. Warming waters caused by climate change are creating additional habitat along Tahoe’s shoreline for AIS to take over. Learn more about our current programs below.
Aquatic invasive weeds threaten Tahoe's health and clarity. An infestation along south shore, known as the Tahoe Keys Complex, is currently being treated using SCUBA diver-assisted suction dredging. Learn more about what's going on underwater.
Aquatic invasive weeds in the lagoons of the Tahoe Keys are growing out of control and are spreading to Lake Tahoe. Immediate action is needed to treat the infestation and prevent aquatic weeds from ruining Lake Tahoe’s native ecology, pristine water quality and famous clarity. |
Eyes on the Lake is a volunteer program in which water recreationists report information about locations of aquatic invasive species. Swimmers, boaters, snorklers, SCUBA divers and fishermen are all welcome to join the effort. |