Caldor Fire Links & Resources

Caldor Fire smoke plume over Lake Tahoe - 8.29.2021
On Thursday, October 21, the Caldor Fire Incident Management Team declared the Caldor Fire 100% contained - read the update here. A massive, massive thank you goes out to the thousands of firefighting personnel, Forest Service staff, local government employees and others who’ve been working tirelessly for two months to keep our mountain communities safe, protect the Sierra Nevada and Keep Tahoe Blue.

Repairs are well underway for areas impacted by fire suppression, including dozer lines, hand lines and staging areas. That important work to heal the Lake Tahoe environment will continue.

Remember: Full containment does not mean the fire is extinguished, or that the danger is over. Please follow all fire restrictions, and respect the current forest closure orders. Burned areas can hide hazard trees, ash pits and other dangers. Give the Forest Service and the environment time to heal.


    • Monitor the links available here for the latest fire information.
    • Inciweb hosts information for the fire, recovery efforts and land closures.



    • El Dorado Community Foundation created the Caldor Fire Fund to channel donations to families and individuals impacted by the fire. You can donate here.
    • The Barton Foundation created an Emergency Response Fund that's focused on assisting local families and individuals facing food insecurity challenges brought on by the Caldor Fire evacuations. You can donate here.
    • Community Disaster Resource Center (CDRC) is providing short-term emergency assistance, longer term aid, information, and other resources to South Lake Tahoe residents displaced by disaster. You can donate here.
    • American Red Cross is staffing evacuation centers and providing support for evacuees of the Caldor Fire. You can donate here.
    • Placer Food Bank is on the front lines of emergency food response/distribution to those impacted by the River and Caldor Fires. You can donate here.
    • Food Bank of Northern Nevada is offering food assistance for Caldor Fire evacuees. You can donate here.
    • Tahoe Prosperity Center, South Lake Brewing Company, Tahoe Chamber, South Tahoe Restaurant Association, and other restaurants and bars in South Lake Tahoe have created a donation fund to assist the community’s food and beverage workers currently in need of financial assistance. You can donate here.
    • Nevada Humane Society is accepting and distributing donations to other shelters accepting animals and pets. You can donate here.
    • Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care is providing critical support for injured and displaced animals. You can donate here.

Please be kind, compassionate and caring to one another as we work through this. Together, we will heal. Together, we will Keep Tahoe Blue.

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