Boat Inspections Ward Off Invasive Species

The League supports sustainable boating in Tahoe. A top priority of everyone at the lake is the prevention of invasive species like quagga and zebra mussels. All boats, motorized and non-motorized, can carry invasive species into the Lake. Boat inspections are mandatory. Read more about how invasive species are endangering Tahoe’s ecosystem.

Who conducts the inspections?

The Tahoe Resource Conservation District is a nonprofit agency that conducts boat inspections at all boat launches throughout Tahoe. Tahoe RCD inspectors are true heroes. During the first few days of the inspection season of 2010, they discovered live New Zealand mud snails in a boat. During the summer of 2009, they decontaminated 1,400 boats and quarantined 12 that were found to have live mussels in their hulls. Please do your part to Keep Tahoe Blue. Clean, drain and dry your boat before an inspection. Avoid lines: Off-ramp inspections sites are now available throughout the lake. Visit for more information on fees and inspection locations.

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