Legacy Giving to the League

Planned giving represents the single most effective means of ensuring the League’s long-term success in our efforts to Keep Tahoe Blue. Past planned gifts have enabled us to establish our Board Designated Policy Fund and even purchase the building that houses the Fritzi & David Huntington Environmental Education Center and our South Lake Tahoe office headquarters.

These generous gifts strengthen our organization and enable us to set money aside to respond to unforeseen challenges and threats as they arise. Our planned giving donors include us in their trusts or living wills knowing that their grandchildren and great-grandchildren will one day experience the glory of a pristine Lake Tahoe as a result of their generosity.

Tools for Legacy Giving

A Bequest in Your Will or Living Trust
A bequest is the most common and simple form of legacy giving, and the most direct approach to leave a legacy of your commitment to Lake Tahoe. A bequest is a set amount or a percentage of your estate designated in your will. Various options for leaving a bequest are listed on the back of this sheet.
Life Insurance
You can name the League as a beneficiary of any individual or group term life insurance policy.
Retirement Assets
The League can be named as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan. This is a wise choice because your retirement plan funds might be taxed more heavily to your heirs than other assets.
Real Estate or Other Tangible Items
Donations of land, residence or other tangible items are a great way to support the League's mission. You can also make a life estate reserved gift of property now while retaining the right to use the property for your lifetime. Please contact League staff to make sure we are able to accept this generous gift.

For more information contact us at 530.541.5388 or email advancement@keeptahoeblue.org.

Legacy Society Members

  • David A. Brandenburger
  • William C. Callender
  • Edwin C. Daly
  • Robert Damaschino
  • James de la Vergne
  • Stephen Drewes
  • William D. Evers
  • Harry Englebright & Evelyn Somjen
  • Barbara Jean Hansen
  • Anne Harper & Rick Ronald
  • Jack Jorgenson
  • Vera M. Long
  • William Marken
  • Lisa Matichak
  • Chris McMullan
  • Tom Mertens
  • Stephanie Mooers
  • Dennis Neeley
  • Mary Nicolini
  • Patricia Ronald
  • Elizabeth Boardman Ross
  • Lois Shellhammer
  • Gary Stein
  • Richard D. Stubblefield, Jr.
  • Susan R. Taylor
  • Justin & Marguerite Vanderlaan
  • Fred Van Trease
  • Suzanne Torgeson
  • Anonymous Members (10)

Legacy Giving to the League

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