Guest column: Yes on Prop 68 to Keep Tahoe Blue (opinion)

Jun 1, 2018:
Lake Tahoe is a national treasure, but those of us who live in the Tahoe region know it faces many environmental threats: stormwater pollution that degrades its clarity, aquatic invasive species that threaten to destroy its ecology, and now the changing climate is adding additional stress.

On the June ballot, Californians will have a chance to vote on Prop. 68 — a $4 billion investment in the coming years to protect California's unique natural resources and ensure they are protected from the growing threat of climate change.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe is part of a statewide coalition working to pass Prop 68, and we urge California residents to vote "YES" on June 5 to protect what is best about California — the state's unique open spaces, forests, trails and lakes.

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