Letter to the Editors: Improve Tahoe traffic

Jan 19, 2019:

Regarding “Welcome to the SKI slog” (Julie Brown, Dec. 23): Julie Brown is right, Tahoe’s winter traffic is a nightmare — both for visitors, locals and for the environment.

Just recently visitors, returning home after the weekend, spent hours stuck in their cars in whiteout conditions. These same cars crush winter traction materials on our roads and exacerbate fine sediment pollution, which runs off into our lake. Fine sediment pollution is the No. 1 threat to Lake Tahoe’s famous water clarity and is a complex problem we must solve together.

Brown’s failure to mention alternative options to ski traffic is misguided.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe keeps an updated web page of all the ways to get to the mountains without the use of yet another car. Many options are free or low-cost, no brake hitting required. For those in the Bay Area, the Tahoe Convoy, North American Charter Ski and FlixBus all offer transit options. So while this problem seems daunting, the League to Save Lake Tahoe is committed to finding innovative approaches to this decades-long problem as our beautiful Lake Tahoe and its many visitors deserve better. So share a ride to the resorts, come ski or board and help us Keep Tahoe Blue!

Darcie Goodman Collins, CEO, League to Save Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe

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