Victory: Brockway campground cancelled, land to be sold to USFS

Sep 7, 2016:
Statement on sale of Brockway campground land

It was announced this morning that the land on which the proposed Brockway campground would have been located is to be sold to the United States Forest Service.

Statement by Darcie Goodman Collins, PhD, executive director of the League to Save Lake Tahoe

“Today’s announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Brockway camping resort complex, and the sale of the lands to the United States Forest Service, is a major win for Lake Tahoe. This deal preserves the large swath of forested open space, which has been used for years for low-impact outdoor recreation, and maintains the scenic beauty of Tahoe’s ridgeline.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe has been advocating for nearly two years against proposed massive developments on this pristine ridgeline, in a remote location relative to Tahoe’s communities.

The construction of the Brockway camping resort complex would have set a terrible precedent, as it would have added significant traffic and related pollution to the Tahoe Basin. This announcement is also a win for Tahoe’s regional plan, which calls for the concentration of development in the Basin’s already existing town centers.

Today’s announcement does nothing to reduce the League’s concerns about the separate Martis Valley West Project, a massive residential project proposed by the same developers who had proposed Brockway. Martis Valley West is proposed on an adjacent parcel just across the Basin boundary line. The developers must still do more to address threats to Lake Tahoe from the Martis Valley West project’s estimated negative impacts from traffic and related pollution.”

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