Tahoe Regional Planning Agency approves Tahoe Keys Control Methods Test

Jan 26, 2022:
The Tahoe Keys lagoons. Photo: Wendy Hudnall

LAKE TAHOE, CA/NV –– Today, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Governing Board voted unanimously to certify the Final Environmental Impact Statement and approve the Tahoe Keys Lagoons Aquatic Weed Control Methods Test Project. Following the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board’s January 13th unanimous vote to approve the project, TRPA’s decision clears the way for a range of proven and innovative weed control methods to be tested in targeted areas within the Tahoe Keys, located on the Lake’s south shore.

“TRPA and the Lahontan Water Board’s unanimous decisions highlight the strong scientific basis for the project’s methods, monitoring and safeguards for Tahoe’s natural environment,” said Darcie Goodman Collins, PhD, CEO of the League to Save Lake Tahoe (Keep Tahoe Blue). “This test will provide essential information for developing a long-term strategy to address the Tahoe Keys infestation and stop its spread to Lake Tahoe.”

Aquatic invasive species are recognized as the most pressing threat to the ecological health and beauty of Lake Tahoe. The Tahoe Keys are ground zero for the infestation of aquatic invasive weeds in the Basin, which has spread beyond the Keys’ shallow lagoons, infecting more than 100 acres of the Lake itself. The Control Methods Test was designed to identify safe, effective methods to knock back the infestation in the Keys so it can be contained, minimizing the threat to the rest of the Lake.

“Environmental study shows that continuing with the status quo, and not testing possible solutions, would result in the worst harm to Lake Tahoe’s water quality,” said Jesse Patterson, the League’s Chief Strategy Officer. “For 65 years, the League has worked to protect water quality, which means tackling the Keys’ infestation is our priority.”

For nearly a decade, the League to Save Lake Tahoe has taken a leadership role in efforts to address the invasive species problem in the Tahoe Keys, which includes helping develop, fund and implement innovative technologies. The Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association and TRPA have also dedicated years to the effort and invited the community to get involved, improving the proposed project along the way. The League is a strong supporter of the Control Methods Test, relying on the best available science, results from their pilot projects, and investigations into emerging methods to guide their position.

"We will monitor the project closely and raise a red flag if the health of the Lake or those who enjoy it is ever in question,” said the League’s Goodman Collins. “We’ll also continue using our full set of tools to keep weeds contained in the Keys, and knock back infestations that pop up in the Lake."


Media resources: Photos

Media contacts:
Chris Joseph, League to Save Lake Tahoe (Keep Tahoe Blue)
cjoseph@keeptahoeblue.org, 530-208-5661
The League to Save Lake Tahoe, also known by its iconic slogan “Keep Tahoe Blue,” is Tahoe's oldest and largest nonprofit environmental advocacy organization. Our team of solutions-oriented Tahoe advocates use innovation, boots-on-the-ground action, and a holistic approach to solve the environmental challenges threatening the lake we love. In our 65th year, we continue pushing to Keep Tahoe Blue in an ever-changing world. Learn more at keeptahoeblue.org.

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