State of the Lake Report 2011
Find out in the 2011 State of the Lake Report.
The University of California, Davis, has conducted continuous monitoring of Lake Tahoe since 1968, amassing a unique record of change for one of the world’s most beautiful and vulnerable lakes.
The report summarizes how natural variability, long term change and human activity have affected the lake’s clarity, physics, chemistry and biology over that period. It presents the data collected in 2010. The data shown reveal a unique record of trends and patterns – the result of natural forces and human actions that operate at time scales ranging from days to decades. These patterns show that Lake Tahoe is a complex ecosystem, behaving in ways we don’t always expect. This was never truer than in this last year. While Lake Tahoe is unique, the forces and processes that shape it are the same as those acting in all natural ecosystems. As such, Lake Tahoe is an analog for other systems both in the western US and worldwide.